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Grantees are to be selected on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis. Generally all grantees shall be individuals who satisfy the criteria for the award of grants (See below). However, the Foundation reserves the right to impose additional, minor reasonable restrictions and/or requirements upon the selection of grantees and/or the administration of the grant.Any person that fits the criteria discussed in our mission in the New York City area.


The applicant must meet one or more of the following criteria:


1. the applicant shows sufficient academic ability (including without limitation as demonstrated by prior academic performance or performance on tests designed to measure ability and aptitude) to enable him or her to complete courses of study necessary to graduate from the educational institution selected by him or her and which will admit him or her as a student; or


2. the applicant has such character, good citizenship or motivation to obtain an education that he or she may be expected to work hard and seriously to continue and complete his or her education; or


3. the applicant exhibits some need for financial assistance to enable him or her to complete his or her course of studies and can demonstrate such fact by information submitted with the application.


Determinations of financial need will be based upon all pertinent factors with respect to the student’s ability to complete his or her higher education without assistance. Determinations with respect to academic ability and character will be based upon such facts which are deemed pertinent by the Board of Directors and may include transcripts of an applicant and recommendations of an applicant’s high school or college advisor, teach or mentor.


Number and Size of Grants:

Grants will generally range from $2,000 to $3,000 per year. Individual scholarship size may fluctuate over time depending upon the size of the foundation’s endowment. In some years, the foundation may not award any scholarships in its sole discretion.


Selection Committee:

The Board of Directors of the Foundation will serve on the selection committee..


Supervision Over Scholarship Grants and Recordkeeping Requirements:


Scholarships will be awarded typically for one year only.


A condition of each scholarship grant is that the scholarship grant will be used only for


1. tuition and fees required for enrollment or attendance of the student at a qualifying institution;


2. fees, books, supplies and equipment required for courses of instruction at such an educational institution and


3. room and board

© 2023 Mayer Foundation

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